Tesla Model S Bike Rack - The SeaSucker Komodo

Tesla Model S Bike Rack – The SeaSucker Komodo Kevin is a keen cyclist who owns several SeaSucker Bike racks. We featured his Tesla Model S with the SeaSucker Talon 1-Bike Rack in a previous post. He contacted us wishing to purchase another Tesla Model S Bike Rack, this time it was the SeaSucker Komodo.

Tesla Model S Bike Rack SeaSucker Talon

Tesla Model S with Full Glass Roof Bike Rack – The SeaSucker Talon Kevin and his 2015 Tesla Model S with a Full Glass Roof Kevin is both a keen recreational and competitive cyclist and uses his Tesla Model S to transport his bikes. In the market for a Tesla Model S Bike Rack, he chose SeaSucker bike racks. He