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SeaSucker Racks

All Seasucker Racks have the same benefits, being

  • They are vehicle agnostic – Buy one rack and keep it for life. No more changing racks when changing cars. Use the same rack on your car, your partner’s car or even a rental car.
  • Reduced fuel consumption – Less than 2 minutes to install and seconds to remove. Compared to a permanent roof-mounted rack it will save you at least $400 p.a. on fuel.

SeaSucker Bike Racks

Ford Mustang - The SeaSucker Mini Bomber

Ford Mustang Bike Rack

With the ability to transport up to 3 bikes on almost any car

SeaSucker Paddle Board / Heavy-Duty Roof Racks

Porsche GT3 Roof Rack - The SeaSucker Paddle Board Rack

Porsche GT3 Roof Rack

The multi-purpose super heavy-duty racks capable of carrying just about anything

SeaSucker Board Rack

SeaSucker Board Rack - Dodge Dart

SeaSucker Board Rack on Dodge Dart Sedan

The ideal rack for transporting surfboards and similar boards

SeaSucker Ski & Snowboard Racks

Porsche Ski Rack - The SeaSucker Ski Rack

Porsche Ski Rack

With lockable ski carriers, the SeaSucker Ski Rack can transport just about any set of skis or snowboards