2016 – SeaSucker Down Under & Gear Campus

2016 – SeaSucker Down Under & Gear Campus

SeaSucker Down Under Logo

The SeaSucker Down Under website


This has been a breakout year for us. Our plan was to focus our efforts on the SeaSucker brand. To do this Gear Campus registered the business name SeaSucker Down Under with the blessing from SeaSucker US. Our current website (www.seasucker.com.au) was transformed to implement the new business name. By January 2018 this website will be dedicated to SeaSucker and associated products only. We established the SeaSucker Australian Authorised Reseller network. If you are interested in stocking SeaSucker products please Contact Us or give us a call on 1300 877 119

Gear Campus logo

The Gear Campus Website


In conjunction with SeaSucker Down Under, we established a new website for Gear Campus (www.gearcampus.com). The new website is keeping in line with our company motto “For Innovative Products” Our goal is to make Gear Campus “The Go-To-Place For Innovative Products” We established agreements with the following brands that are in keeping with our vision.

  1. SeaSucker
  2. ICE Ignition
  3. RAM Mounts
  4. Lee’s Tackle
  5. Reel Colors

We will expand our line-up of brands in 2017.