2015 – New Website and Company Blog

In 2015 we took the decision to migrate our website to Bigcommerce. After 5 months of planning, testing and allot of blood sweat and tears we went live with Bigcommerce on the 10th October 2015. So far it has been a very positive experience and whilst we still have a long way to go we received excellent support from the team at Bigcommerce. We really can’t stress this enough. Whilst their support team is in the US we have called them countless times and always got someone on the phone that could resolve our issues. Best of all no issue is too small or insignificant and we found everyone we have engaged to be not only helpful but they truly enjoy what they do and make you feel at ease.
Apart from greater functionality which is also extremely easy to use the overall performance on Bigcommerce has been exceptional. We found our pages load in less than a few seconds which drastically improved the customer experience. Our focus at present is providing great content on every product page, Company Blog Page and Post to a  level of detail our competitors just simply don’t have. After four years of trading, we have built a wealth of knowledge regarding vacuum mounts and the range of solutions under the SeaSucker banner.
In parallel with this, we also migrated our Company Blog which was always built on WordPress. This time we went away from a self-hosted platform and moved to WordPress.com. This decision was based on simplifying our workload. Whilst I will be the first to admit having it self-hosted gives you greater flexibility we found that the WordPress.com solution gave us most of what we needed without the overhead of managing your own WordPress deployment. Most of all it drastically improved the performance of our Company Blog which again greatly improves the customer experience.