114 mm SeaSucker Black with handle

A closer look at the SeaSucker 114 mm Vacuum Mount

The range of 114 mm Vacuum Mounts – CLICK HERE 

114mm SeaSucker White Vacuum Mount

114mm White Vacuum Mount

114mm SeaSucker Black Vacuum Mount

114 mm Black Vacuum Mount






The versatile 114 mm (4 1/2″) SeaSucker has 45 kg of holding power.

The photos below offer a detailed look at our vacuum mounts and how you can attach anything to them using the:

  • 1/4-20 bolt through the housing’s centre hole; and
  • Pair of bolts through the housing’s two slotted holes;

Removing the SeaSucker 114 mm Vacuum Mount Housing

114 mm Vacuum Mount components

114 mm Vacuum Mount components

Let’s start by removing the 114 mm Vacuum Mount housing. To remove, loosen the 4 stainless-steel screws.

The housing is SeaSucker’s mounting platform. All of the attachments can be integrated with the housing by using the centre stainless steel thread or the top slots. The vacuum pump is also removable. This makes it easy to service and replace independently of the vacuum pad. The vacuum pump can be disassembled for cleaning and servicing. We will cover this in detail under its own menu option.

The Housing Centre Hole and Two Slotted Holes

SeaSucker Vacuum Mount HousingThe housings on the 114 mm and 152 mm vacuum mounts are interchangeable. The most secure connection is achieved by using a pair of bolts through the two slotted holes. Just slide the bolts through the inside of the housing. Next, secure the object using nuts and washers. Alternatively, the centre 1/4-20 countersunk thread built into the housing can also be used. You must ensure the bolt depth does not go too far as it will hit the pump below. If you are not sure please contact us and we will assist you.


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