Bespoke Bikes, Hyper Cars & the SeaSucker Talon

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Bastion Cycles McLaren with SeaSucker Talon

Bespoke Bikes, Hyper Cars & the SeaSucker Talon

Bastion Cycles McLaren with SeaSucker Talon bay photoWhat do Bespoke Bikes, Hyper Cars & the SeaSucker Talon have in common? They’re all designed to fill a market niche based on specific customer needs.

Close up of Bastion Cycles bespoke bike with SeaSucker TalonIn a world filled with mass-produced cars and bicycles, there is a rare breed that takes a different approach to achieve greatness in their chosen field. Consequently, they believe in the pursuit of perfection in their chosen field. Furthermore, they deliver bespoke products finely tuned to their customer requirements. Therefore, their philosophy is built around the pursuit of excellence with the customer’s needs at the core of what they do.

Bastion Cycles McLaren with SeaSucker TalonOne such bespoke cycling manufacturer is Bastion Cycles. Located in Kensington, Victoria. Bastion Cycles delivers bespoke bikes using a fusion of handcrafted manufacturing processes and cutting-edge technology.

Bastion Cycles cyclists riding their bespoke bikesWhilst perfection is subjective, the design of each bike is driven by the customer. This commences from the initial concept through to the end-product where there is no barrier between man and machine.

Bastion Cycles bespoke bikes on downhill runWe were fortunate enough to be approached by Bastion Cycles to play our small role in the release of a new promotional video. A bike of this calibre needs an equal Hyper Car, for this Bastion Cycles chose the McLaren.

Bastion Cycles McLaren with SeaSucker Talon Cafe shotHow did we bring the Bespoke Bike and Hyper Car together? With a pair of SeaSucker Talon 1-Bike Racks. It gave Bastian Cycles the flexibility to position each bike on the rear clamshell of the McLaren. Hence the fusion of Bespoke Bikes, Hyper Cars & the SeaSucker Talon was born.

We would like to thank Ben, James and Dean from Bastion Cycles. Furthermore, we look forward to working on future projects together. If the pursuit of cycling excellence is your goal we recommend contacting Bastion Cycles, their details are below

This our complete list of Authorised Bike Rack Re-Sellers

Bastion Cycles

6 Bakehouse Road

Kensington VIC 3031

Email: [email protected]