Mercedes A200 Bike Rack

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Mercedes A200 Bike Rack - SeaSucker Bomber

Mercedes A200 Bike Rack – The Bomber

Mercedes A200 Bike Rack - SeaSucker BomberRoger and his Mercedes A200

Having seen our blog post on Nicholas and his Ford Focus Roger was looking for a Mercedes A200 Bike Rack.  A regular cycling competitor Roger wanted to carry 3 bikes on the roof of his new Mercedes A200. He often travels both short and long distances to compete at various events. Could the SeaSucker Bomber fit inside the factory roof rails?

Mercedes A200 Bike Rack – The SeaSucker Bomber Solution

Mercedes A200 Bike Rack - SeaSucker BomberAfter taking initial measurements Roger pre-ordered his bike rack and took up our offer to have it assembled and installed at our office in Cheltenham, Victoria. On the day we verified there was ample space for the SeaSucker Bomber to fit inside the roof rails. By pumping each vacuum mount in sequence the SeaSucker Bomber main board quickly confirmed to the roof curvature. Best of all the SeaSucker Bomber fits neatly inside the rear hatch of his car when not in use.

Mercedes A200 Bike Rack - SeaSucker BomberSeveral weeks later Roger sent us these photos, his Mercedes A200 with three bikes secured to this roof. All three bikes have ample spacing and the overall bike length meant they easily fit on the available roof space.
Roger Boyce Bike Rack 4Thank you Roger for sending us the photos and for allowing us to share your story.

Buy the SeaSucker Bomber through our online store.

SeaSucker Bomber Bike RackLike our motto says!