Porsche Cayman S Bike Rack

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Porsche Cayman S Bike Rack – The Mini Bomber Solution

Porsche Cayman S Bike Rack – The SeaSucker Mini Bomber

Chris’s Porsche Cayman S

Chris is an avid cycling enthusiast who was in the market for a bike rack he could use on his daily driver, the almighty Porsche Cayman S as well as the family BMW. Having searched far and wide for a solution he contacted the team at SeaSucker Down Under. After a few discussions and a terribly long wait for our latest shipment to arrive from the US, we paid Chris a visit at his home in Melbourne to determine the best solution for both vehicles.

Porsche Cayman S Bike Rack – The SeaSucker Mini Bomber Solution

Porsche Cayman S Bike Rack

Cayman S – The Mini Bomber Solution

The Porsche Cayman S presented several issues we needed to overcome The roof line curvature and panel thickness limited the range of mounting options. Firstly we tested the SeaSucker Talon and found we could mount the Talon anywhere along the roof. The SeaSucker Mini Bomber with its 80 cm wide head-board presented a different set of challenges. After experimenting with different mounting locations we found the ideal mounting point at the very top of the rear window. Unfortunately, we could not recommend mounting the Mini Bomber on the roof due to the roof line curvature and the amount of flex in the roof. Having said this the SeaSucker vacuum mounts work just as well on glass as they do on the cars panels.
With the rear wheel straps secured either side of the Porsche logo, we could secure two bikes easily. Next, we tested retractable spoiler and found in this configuration the spoiler will hit the rear wheel if deployed. This left us with two options; either disable the retractable spoiler with the bikes secured or insert a spacer on top of the rear wheel strap to give more clearance. Chris opted to make his own simple spacer and depending on demand we may look at designing a general purpose spacer that could be used for this purpose.

Porsche Cayman S Bike Rack

Cayman S – The Mini Bomber Solution

Chris now has a bike rack for the Porsche Cayman S that goes and comes on and off with his bike. Mounting his bikes takes only a few minutes and the SeaSucker Bike Rack packs away once he is finished for the day.

Buy online the SeaSucker Mini Bomber through our online store.

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SeaSucker Mini Bomber

Like our motto says!